Ever since I came up with the idea of offering gay Tantra Retreats, many of my colleagues have been asking me why I run workshops specifically for gays. The question is also asked on social networks (facebook, instagram and tiktok). It's funny because, as I'm used to following what's coming up, I hadn't even asked myself the question.
So this was an opportunity for me to think about it and to sound out my motivations. This month, I'm sharing them with you:
- When I discovered Tantra, it seemed obvious to me that one day I would have to offer Retreats. As a clairvoyant therapist and Tantric masseur, and having run personal development workshops for 9 years, these Retreats are for me a perfect blend of the different paths I've taken on my professional and personal journey.
- For me, life's gifts are much more valuable when they are shared. So I want to share with others this ancient practice that has changed my life and my relationship with the Sacred, that has expanded my creativity and my sexuality and that has brought beauty back into my daily life.
- As a gay man, I don't feel legitimate at the moment, despite numerous requests, to introduce the sexual aspect of Tantra to women or heterosexual couples.
- Based on my own experience as a gay man, I thought that after taking a tour of egotistical sexual practices and the places dedicated to them (saunas, dating apps, etc.), some gay men might want, as I did, to discover another way of being sexual and relating to others, in order to nourish their hearts and souls.
- Like all human beings, gays feel better understood and listened to by those who look like them, who have had the same questions asked and who have gone through the same experiences. Although I'm not a big fan of communitarianism, I think that offering men who love men the opportunity to come together to share these vibrant experiences of Tantra would be more appropriate, enabling them to surrender without fear of judgement in a safe and caring environment dedicated to them.
- Tantra takes into account the whole human being, in particular the feminine and masculine aspects. Gays and bisexuals carry these two polarities within them in a more conscious way, so Tantra seemed to me to be particularly suited to them. However, so-called 'mixed' Tantra Retreats and traditional and contemporary writings rarely address this population. The aim of the Retreats I propose is therefore to accompany any gay person wishing to discover the spirit of Tantra, taking into account his or her way of life in love and sex.
- Heterosexual Tantra focuses, among other things, on sexuality issues (abstinence chosen or not, frigidity, erectile problems, etc.). While in no way excluding these points, Gay Tantra is based on the relational problems specific to gays. A sexuality that is sometimes too genitalised and compulsive, the absence of a real bond within a sexual act, a need for tenderness that sometimes seems irreconcilable with a freer and more open sexuality…. Without condemning or blaming any particular practice, Men’s Hearts’ Retreats are designed with this in mind. Because every man, whatever his sexuality, should have the opportunity to take this incredible path toward Tantra.
- Finally, despite the many possibilities currently available to us, it's sometimes difficult to meet men with the same aspirations as us. These Retreats are also opportunities to meet new people, both friends and lovers.
Would you like to immerse yourself in the spirit of Tantra, whether you're gay, bisexual or straight? I invite you to join those who have already signed up for our next events. Click here to find out more.
Yours Tantrically,
Men’s Hearts’ Animator